Domenic A. Sica教授 美国弗吉尼亚大学
<International Circulation>: The relationship between angiotensin receptor blockers and cancer has attracted a lot of concern lately. The FDA has announced that ARBs do not increase the risk of cancer in it’s 2011 statement, but some studies have shown that patients who use ARBs do have an increased risk of cancer. Could you elaborate on your opinion on the relationship between ARBs and cancer risk?
Prof. Sica: Trying to define a relationship between ARBs and cancer risk requires enough power in the individual and collective studies to allow adequate assessment. When all studies are included, there appears to be really no risk relationship between ARBs and cancer. There is some data suggesting ARBs and ACE inhibitors given together may have a slightly increased risk but any risk relationship requires two other issues to be taken into account. One is biologic plausibility. The second is the time course of development of a malignancy. Often people are not exposed to a drug long enough for it to be biologically plausible for it to cause malignancy and we are simply unmasking an existing malignancy. The other item to consider is the duration of exposure. If it is lengthy enough, ACE inhibitors and probably ARBs keep people alive longer. Therefore, there is a greater duration of time over which you can uncover malignancy.
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